Google Algorithm Update for December 2022
Google Algorithm Updates – December 2022
Google released two major updates in December 2022. They rolled them out simultaneously, so if your website took a hit, you might need to play detective to determine which algorithm update affected your website.
Helpful Content Update
This global update targets identifying content designed mainly to attract search engines while offering very little value to humans. While this updates targets no specific niche, the company says that websites providing online educational materials, arts, entertainment, shopping and tech-related may see the most significant impact. In addition, while many algorithm updates affect only a page or two on your website, the more unhelpful pages on your site that the company identifies, the more likely your entire website will take a hit with this update. Google suggests that you look at every page of content and see if every page﹕
• Addresses your target audience or a segment of it
• Addresses your site’s primary focus
• Fulfills the user’s intent
• Provides a great user experience
• Current
• Considers the best practices from core updates and product review updates
This rollout started on December 5 and took about two weeks to complete.
Link Spam Update
This update started on December 14 and took about two weeks to complete. Its purpose is to remove any link juice gotten through buying paid links.
Google is using its proprietary SpamBrain program to identify these sites. They are still using other programs, like Rank Brain, Panda and Penguin, to find others. Google originally introduced SpamBrain in April, but it has now become part of their algorithm.
You can still use links if you choose great choices. Before incorporating a link into your site, ask yourself if the content on the page your target audience will find the content on the linked page helpful. You can encourage others to link to content on your site by building useful pages that other webmasters will want to share.
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